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He is gifted, what do I do with myself?

Handbook for family, kindergarten and school


1. Children beyond our expectations

1.1.      Who and what is a gifted child: Myths and Realities

Prejudice 1: Exceptional IQ

Prejudice 2: All-round endowment

Prejudice 3: Talented but not gifted

Prejudice 4 and 5: Genetic heritage versus influences from the environment

Prejudice 6: Ambitious parents

Prejudice 7: Glowing with psychological health

Prejudice 8: All children are gifted

Prejudice 9: A gifted children become eminent adults

Instead of conclusion: How gifted perceive their giftedness

1.2.      In what way does a gifted child differ from a «normal» one?

1.3.      Specific methods in researching the gifted

1.3.1. Case study

1.3.2. Study of life span


Questionnaire of beliefs about the gifted and talented children

Gifted children- different children: the way their parents perceive them

How to be actively involved in following a gifted child's development:

JUDITA – a future «case study»

2. Gifted child in kindergarten

2.1. Early signs of giftedness

2.2. Identification at an early age

2.3. Relationships with others

2.4. Education of the gifted in kindergartens

2.4.1. Definition of giftedness at an early age

2.4.2. Identification

2.4.3. Program planning

2.4.4. Professional training for teachers

2.4.5. Program evaluation


1.      Table 1: Developmental list for an early identification of the gifted children at an early age

2.      Table 2: Positive and negative characteristics of the gifted

3.      Picture 1: Multidimensional approach to the identification of the gifted and the talented

4.      Check-list for an early preschool age

5.      Check-list for an older preschool and the early school age

6.      Follow-up list for an older preschool and the early school age

7.      Questionnaire for the parents of the gifted children

8.      Study of the indicators of the highly developed abilities of the preschool children

9.      Programs for encouraging the gifted at an early age

10.   Organizing the groups with a special program for the gifted preschool children in Zagreb

3.Gifted child in the family

3.1.    Family and the early development

3.2.    Types of families and giftedness

3.2.1. Parents' great expectations

3.2.2. (Over) ambitious parents

3.2.3. "Ideal" family environment for the development of the gifted

3.3.    Types of families and creativity

3.4.    Emotional life of the gifted children

3.4.1. Inner motivation and enjoying the challenges

3.4.2. Setting high inner standards

3.4.3. Independence and nonconformism

3.5.   Raising a gifted child

3.5.1. Self- discipline and a gifted child

3.5.2. Expressing feelings, communication and motivation

3.5.   The importance of developing the value system and personal characteristics of the gifted children


1.     Schema: From potential to productive giftedness

2.     Cognitive characteristics of the gifted

3.     Emotional characteristics of the gifted

4.     Social characteristics of the gifted

5.     Some parents’ questions about raising a gifted child

4. School adjustment to the gifted

4.1. A gifted child starts to go to school-what happens next?

4.2. Schools' prejudice– parents' expectations

4.3. Different strategies in the education of the gifted – acceptance and attitudes towards them

4.4. Principles of planning the school program for the gifted

4.5. Effects of educational support to the gifted

4.6. Stimulating and supporting the abilities, talents and creativity in schools


Characteristics of the gifted students

Educational support to the gifted students in schools

Indicators of the research among the gifted students (graphs)

Educational needs of different types of the gifted students

Psychological profiles of the gifted and talented students

Identification and educational support to the gifted in schools – a Slovenian model

Project of monitoring and guidance of the gifted students in natural sciences (Zagreb)

An example of school acceleration:  a story about Monika


5. Gifted person and social environment

5.1. Providing for the gifted – private enterprise or public duty?

5.2. General social values and their influence on the education of the gifted

5.3. Elements of the integrated model of support to the gifted


1.      How to influence the educational system and change it: A story about Tara.

2.      The most important characteristics of the system of educational support to the gifted –examples from developed countries

3.      Examples of Centers for support to the gifted:

Center for the Study of Giftedness (University of Nijmegen, Netherlands)

Counseling Center for the Gifted Children (Educational Institute, University of Budapest, Hungary)

Center for the Gifted, City of Zagreb (conception)

4. What advice can the gifted grown-ups give to the gifted youngsters?



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