Center for Gifted Child Development
The ceremony on the occasion of nominating European Talent Points within the European Talent Support Network, hosted by the Centre for Research and Promotion of Giftedness of the Faculty of Education of the University of Ljubljana held on Wednesday, April 20, 2016. at the University of Ljubljana.
Celebrating ceremony of nominating EU Talent Points

The only two Echa Specialist in Gifted Educationa in Croatia are finally recognized by European Talent Support Network
Dr. sc. Jasna Cvetković-Lay, Echa Specialist in Gifted Education
Dr. sc. Željko Rački, Echa Specialist in Gifted Education, ECHA national correspondent

Link for the photos from the event
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Our Mission
The Children who have advanced abilities in one or various areas of development (gifted,talented, creative children), have SPECIAL NEEDS which can be noticed even in the early childhood.. The adults who take care of such children (parents, educators, teachers) often wonder: "What should I do with such a child?". Various applied activities of Center Bistrić aim at direct professional help and support to parents and professionals in kindergartens and schools.
Bistrić iz member of European Council for High ability and it's vicepresident is national ECHA correspodent from Croatia.
International professional support
Dr.Willy Peters is awarding Dr. sc. Jasna Cvetković Lay the ECHA Diploma
(European Advanced Diploma in Educating the Gifted)
NGO Profile
Bistrić is nongovernmental organization (NGO). You can become a member too if you fill in an application form, accept our Statute and Program and pay a symbolic annual membership fee ... Some of the activities are performed more successfully with the help and support from our members, supporters, volunteers and sponsors: parents of different professions, professionals from different areas, psychology and pedagogy students ...
Participants of the International Conference "National Networks for Gifted"
Rovinj, Croatia, October 2000 in organization of Center Bistrić.
Contact Information
+385 99 3878421
Postal address:
Nikole Pavića 5, 10090 Zagreb
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